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The un-manned booking system is a software suite designed and developed by Sports Coach Systems to allow automated online bookings and access to un-manned facilities 24 hours a day.The system consists of three main components.An online website that can take bookings and payments for predefined timeslots, a local application that retrieves and manages bookings from the website and an access control mechanism that grants access to the facility on the specific date and time slot booked online.

Whats in the pack?

After purchasing the unmanned booking system, you will receive all of the software needed to upload an online booking website and database. You will also recieve a server application that will run at the facility to collect booking details from the website database. In addition, you will also receive access control software that will allow customers access on the date and time that they have booked.

About the Website

The website is a fully customisable booking system with a booking database that controls bookings and payments from customers. The website can be configured to match the profile of your business. You can control the logo, background images and specific time slots. Administrators can also set pricing for individual hourly slots for 24 hours up to 7 days in advance.Customers can book any time slot or a block of times which are confirmed by email following online payment. After booking, they will receive a pin code generated by the website that corresponds to each hour booked for the specific date chosen.

Access Control Mechanism

The access control mechanism, which can be purchsed separately and installed by local distributors worldwide is connected directly to the facility database. The mechanism regularly updates itself with the current valid pin codes to grant access to customers within their booked date and time period. Access to the facility is entirely restricted to the booked date and time. The same pin code cannot be used to grant re-entry.

The door controller retains the access pin. It does not need a permanent connection to the local database from this point as the PIN code is retained by the door mechanism itself until the booking period has expired.


Whenever a game commences on the simulator, details of the session such as the start and end time are logged. This allows facility managers to charge additional fees if customers over stay their alloted time.

The Booking Process

A customer arrives at the website for an unmanned facility and selects a suitable unmanned location. This directs the customer to a specific unmanned booking website for the selected facility.

Booking details are entered and payment is taken. If successful, a PIN code, booking date and time is generated by the website and stored online in a local database.

The website sends the customer a confirmation email and at the same time, a polling service at the unmanned facility collects the booking details that have been stored.

Booking details are automatically processed at the facility and stored in a local database. The database maintains all of the pin code and booking details until they have expired. It also passes these details to the access control mechanism on the door.







The simulator also operates a polling service at the facility that regularly collects booking information from the website database. Bookings are automatically processed and stored in a local access control database at the facility.Details of the date and time of the booking along with the access pin code remain on the local database until the booking period has expired. Periodically, this information is passed to the door mechanism that controls access.

Access Control Software

2014 Copyright © SPORTS COACH SIMULATOR.  All rights reserved 

Address. Sports Coach Simulator, Enterprise House, Curtis Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1XD, England  |  Tel. +44 (0) 1306 741888    |  Email.


Co. Registration No. 05337726  VAT Number. 857719084  Registered in England & Wales                                                                                                      Created by GR8 Graphix

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